Painting Workshops in Europe since 2018
Postcards from Provence, A Beginner's Watercolor Workshop with John Keeling
Dates: TBD
Location: Bonnieux, Provence
Instructor: John Keeling
Medium: Sketching, watercolor
This workshop is created for those of you who have never before painted in watercolors. The medium of watercolor allows for very few corrections – and by learning the basic techniques early on, students will be able to eliminate making a lot of the mistakes that are so frustrating.
And what better place to learn it than Provence?
Price: TBD
Non Painter Discount: TBD
Painting Provence in Watercolor: Sketchbook Journaling with Karen Ramsay
Dates: TBD
Location: Bonnieux, Provence
Instructor: Karen Ramsay
Medium: Sketchbook journaling
Sketching on location, while traveling, is an art form that you can take with you on every future trip. Karen will lead this workshop, where you will sketch everything from small towns, lively markets, interiors of coffee shops to exteriors of ancient cathedrals and other majestic landmarks.
Price: TBD
Non Painter Discount: TBD

Watercolors of Provence, a Plein Air Painting Adventure with Kathleen Lanzoni
Dates: TBD
Location: Bonnieux, Provence
Instructor: Kathleen Lanzoni
Medium: Watercolor painting
Spectacular countryside of vineyards and orchards, fascinating "perched" hill-top villages, outstanding natural produce and the light of Van Gogh and Cezanne. You will soon see why Kathleen Lanzoni loves this area and is excited to take a group to enjoy the Luberon. Whether you are a novice or experienced painter, this trip will be fun and educational for all!
Price: TBD
Non Painter Discount: TBD